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Jesus taught the opposite --He told us not to Judge
Jesus DID NOT involve himself in politics and would not have endorsed either party. He said his "kingdom was not of this world" and the one time he was asked a political question about taxes he side-stepped it saying his concern was God.
Jesus DID NOT preach HATE or ever tell us to hate anyone. All this crap about "God hates" is Old Testament stuff that Jesus ended. God hates all sin. God is defined in the bible as Love.
Jesus DID NOT say "marriage is between a man and a women" He was asked a question about if it was wrong or right to get a divorce and quoted the Old Testament about how in the beginning God created man and women and how it was part of his plan for them to be together. Jesus never said what marriage is or is not or denied any forms. If anything, Jesus clearly said divorce was wrong in this often-misquoted verse. That's not to say "gay marriage" is approved by Jesus either. Jesus just never addressed an issue, that at the time was not an issue. So, let's not read into things. Jesus also never said other types of marriage were invalid either.
Jesus told us to pray in private and NOT to make a show of things in public. So, prayer rallies or public worship were actually condemned by Jesus as shows of hypocrisy. Let alone political demonstrations of Christianity
Jesus NEVER once said anything about how a government should "follow God" or implement God's moral standards. On the contrary he said God's kingdom was not of this world, and that this world was evil. Jesus also NEVER taught that religious people should be denied being in the government or said anything against the government being religious. In fact, in Jesus time, the government was religious and he told others to obey those in it.
No Jesus never promised any of that. Quite the opposite he said if you follow him you will have trouble in this life
Jesus hung out with "sinners" and outcasts. He never once turned anyone away no matter how they were living or what they did. Nor did he ever instruct us to
There was no bible then, just the Old Testament. Jesus did affirm its truth but didn't worship or revere the physical writing themselves. Nor did Jesus pledge allegiance to anything but God. He would have seen that as idolatry.
Jesus taught about taking care of the poor, and talked about "had hard" it was for the rich to enter heaven. Mind you he DID NOT hate the rich or condemn them. He just said it was hard for them to enter heaven. He told us not to pursue wealth, so Christians who do this are not following Jesus. Nor are those who hate the rich following him. Jesus had some rich followers too and didn't condemn being wealthy he condemned loving wealth above God and pursuing it.
Jesus actually disproved this, at one time saying just because Bad things happen to people, it does NOT mean they have "sinned" or done something wrong
Jesus said he could "do nothing apart from the father's will" and DID give his disciples power to health saying they would do it. He never promised everyone would always get healed if they just believed or had enough faith. Nor did he place blame on those who did not for their lack of faith. Jesus is documented at times as "being unable" to heal due to lack of faith. If we don't believe and allow God to work, he cannot. BUT that does not mean that if someone is not healed or prayers are NOT answered that they lacked faith or were doing something wrong. God is in control we are not bending God to our will with some magic name of Jesus like a spell that makes us min-god's. We are through Jesus to trust in God's ability to heal and perform miracles but seek his will not ours.
NOPE-----NADA---Jesus did NOT EVER say this. HE never spoke about or taught about either issue. In fact, neither term nor the term "homosexual" existed then. Jesus also never addressed the term that did exist "sodomy." He did speak about Sodom and the city's judgement by God, but NEVER once said it had to do with men being attracted to other men or even having sex with them. In fact, in another book of the bible Sodom's wickedness is talked about and it's a whole lot more then homosexuality. To be fair. Followers of Jesus, who claimed to be speaking under the direct authority of God, after Jesus' death, did write letters of guidance to the churches which condemned those who engage in homosexual acts as sinners not entering heaven. BUT this was not Jesus and he NEVER spoke on the topic.